Tweet sized creativity

on Monday, August 16, 2010

 What people can do in 160 characters continues to amaze me.

Not too long ago, Josh Cagan came up with the clever idea of matching Kanye West's tweets with cartoons from the New Yorker.

This time,  @veryshortstory is coming up with O Henry-esque twists in no more than 160 characters. All he needs is inspiration in the form of simple nouns. He'll come up with a whole story around them.

Take this one :
"I smashed the pocket watch on the ground, freezing the moment, so I'd have time to change my ways and stop you from breaking up with me." 

or this  one :

"4am. You are asleep again. I am awake. I am making a tape of you snoring. I will use this in court when I plead insanity"

For those of us who don't have time for big novels anymore, there's always twitter. 

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