I speak, therefore I think!

on Monday, August 30, 2010

This Comment if Free article at the Guardian talks about how buzz-words can trick us into believing the wrong sort of thing.

"But then, that's the beauty of language. It can change the way you see things without actually altering anything in the physical realm. It turns good into bad and bad into good and back again without anyone lifting a finger."

And the NyTimes takes a more pedantic approach.

NY Times explains how the words we use to describe the world may affect the way we perceive our world.

"The habits of mind that our culture has instilled in us from infancy shape our orientation to the world and our emotional responses to the objects we encounter, and their consequences probably go far beyond what has been experimentally demonstrated so far; they may also have a marked impact on our beliefs, values and ideologies. We may not know as yet how to measure these consequences directly or how to assess their contribution to cultural or political misunderstandings. But as a first step toward understanding one another, we can do better than pretending we all think the same."

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